Discernment Weekend: Autumn and Winter Quarters
If you’ve ever wondered whether seminary was for you, we invite you to explore your calling and vocation at Seattle Pacific Seminary's Discernment Weekend, offered twice a year, in November and February.
Discernment Weekend offers a day and a half of teaching, prayer, discussion, thoughtful challenge, worship, fellowship, and food with Seattle Pacific Seminary faculty and students, along with others who are considering seminary.
Seminary Immersion: Spring Quarter
Do you want to deepen your understanding of the Christian faith? Are you wondering whether seminary is right for you? Learn more about Seattle Pacific Seminary’s programs ― and experience a day in the life of a student ― at Seattle Pacific Seminary Immersion. Email seminary@parkviewhousebb.com for more information.
Schedule a Seminary Visit
We also invite you to schedule a private visit to our campus and meet with Seminary professors and students. To arrange a visit tailored to your schedule and needs, email seminary@parkviewhousebb.com or call 206-281-2342.
For more information about these and other events that might be of interest to you as a prospective Seminary student, email seminary@parkviewhousebb.com or call 206-281-2342.